SHS Strategic Plan

On March 30, 2015, senior staff gathered to develop a 4-year operational vision for SHS and a two year strategic directions plan. The planning process was informed by the work and reports of the many people and services involved with SHS. Staff survey results, program reports, and accreditation materials were considered prior to the planning process, specifically planning related questions asked in the most recent staff survey. The planning process also built on the 5-year Board PATH created in 2011, and SHS’s Ends, Mission, and Philosophy.

Our Vision for March 31, 2019

Participants at the retreat developed the following Vision Statement for SHS to March 31, 2019.

“By March 31, 2019, Semiahmoo House Society is a self-sustained internationally recognized champion of inclusion and person-centred practices.”

The following five strategic directions were identified by planning participants:

  1. Toward responsive services for the people supported by SHS so that they have the same variety and quality of personal relationships as the rest of the community
  2. Toward increased and diversified funding sources to enhance and increase SHS programs and services.
  3. Toward a well trained staff with high workplace satisfaction that supports and sustains SHS.
  4. Toward adequate and well managed buildings, spaces and resources to sustain the current and expanding needs of SHS.
  5. Toward increased community partnerships for education and advocacy on behalf of SHS.

During and after the Planning Retreat, the Strategic Directions were broken down to specific strategies that would enable us to achieve our Vision:

  1. Toward responsive services for the people supported by SHS so that they have the same variety and quality of personal relationships as the rest of the community


  • Enhance employment readiness programs
  • Strive for minimum wage employment
  • Increase educational opportunities
  • Provide opportunities for people to play ACTIVE roles in SHS organizational endeavours
  • Have a current person centred plan in place for each person supported by SHS
  • Create a new option of individualized neighbourhood-based supports
  • Adopt a plan for awareness, development, and growth in Day Services (PD, ETS)
  • Develop specific services for the aging population
  • Develop more housing options and projects
  1. Toward increased and diversified funding sources to enhance and increase SHS programs and services.


  • Generate profit through a Centre for Compassionate Learning (external Person Centred Thinking and Mandt Trainings)
  • Explore social enterprise
  • Diversify funder base
  1. Toward a well trained staff with high workplace satisfaction that supports and sustains SHS.


  • Ensure training opportunities in specific skills required by staff (e.g. autism, mental health, business)
  • Adopt hiring practices that are consistent, timely, and effective
  • Nurture, communicate and support a culture of person-centred, collaborative and proactive management and supervision
  1. Toward adequate and well managed buildings, spaces and resources to sustain the current and expanding needs of SHS.


  • Update and maintain IT infrastructure
  • Ensure administrative support is at an efficient and effective level
  • Plan for adequate supervisory staff for all programs
  • Ensure sufficient and effective management of buildings and facilities
  1. Toward increased community partnerships for education and advocacy on behalf of SHS.


  • Create partnerships with community social service agencies
  • Create partnerships with businesses, organizations, or professions and main stream media
  • Increase partnerships with educational institutions
  • Support involvement of Directors and Managers in external community activities
  • Advance person centred education beyond the organization

The strategies associated with this plan will ensure that Semiahmoo House Society continues to be an inclusion leader in the local community and continues to develop as a voice for inclusion at national and international levels.

By Doug Tennant, Semiahmoo House Society

Semiahmoo House Society, a non-profit organization located in Surrey/White Rock, exists to provide quality services and supports to people with disabilities and their families in the community. The Semiahmoo Foundation exists to fund, support and enhance the programs and services delivered by Semiahmoo House Society.

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