Self Advocates of Semiahmoo (SAS)
Making change through positive relationships.
UNITI is a proud funding partner of SAS.
overview UNITI is proud to partner with SAS to empower people to gain skills in leadership, public speaking, accountability and advocacy.
The Self Advocates of Semiahmoo (SAS) are a team of local Self Advocates who strive for inclusion, accessibility, voting participation, and education. They are passionate about connecting with other local organizations to work together to benefit our community.
The Self Advocates of Semiahmoo are leaders who support their community in the following ways:
- Leading paid consultations for the Accessible British Columbia Act
- Having strong and positive relationships with elected municipal, provincial, and federal decision-makers
- Being federally recognized for their work on the Canadian Accessibility Act
- Volunteering at and hosting community events such as the Holiday Craft Fair, the SAS New to You Clothing Sale, and Christmas Cards for Seniors”
Get InvoLVedPartner with us
SAS creates change by connecting with local organizations, businesses and community members who value inclusion, accessibility and leadership. Would you like to partner with SAS for an event/community project? Or do you want more information regarding self advocates’ experience with public speaking, presenting at conferences and leading community consultations? Connect with us using the contact form below.

Join UsApply to become a SAS member
Each year, the team of Self Advocates decide what community projects they are interested in pursuing and take on responsibilities related to their goals. Are you passionate about advocacy and giving back to your community? Contact us using the form below and let us know why you would be a great Self Advocate. SAS interviews new applicants in August-September annually.

ContactGet involved or apply today!
We’d love to hear from you!
The Self Advocates of Semiahmoo receive funding from: