UNITI’s Ends
UNITI exists to achieve these Ends.
Our EndsThe Ends are what UNITI exists to achieve.
They are created through comprehensive consultations with our community. The Ends consultations are one way that UNITI holds itself accountable. UNITI celebrates what we are successfully achieving and strives to do better in areas we need to improve.

1. People are valued members of society.
1.1. People perform different social roles.
1.2. People are respected.
1.3. People live in integrated environments.
1.4. People participate in the life of the community.
1.5. People are leaders.
2. People decide how they live their lives and make informed choices:
2.1. People are connected to personal support networks.
2.2. People have intimate relationships.
2.3. People choose where and with whom they live.
2.4. People choose their work.
- People have paid employment opportunities.
- People have volunteer opportunities.
- People have entrepreneurial opportunities.
2.5. People choose and use their environments.
- People choose services.
- People have recreational opportunities.
- People have travel opportunities.
2.6. People have educational opportunities.
2.7. People have opportunities to explore spiritual needs.

3. The rights of people are protected:
3.1. People are safe.
3.2. People have the best possible health.
3.3. People exercise rights.
3.4. People are treated fairly.
3.5. People are free from abuse and neglect.
3.6. People experience continuity and security.
3.7. People decide when to share personal information.
3.8. The community is aware of the universal rights of all people.