Acquired Brain Injury Services
Drop-In and day services supporting people with Acquired Brain Injuries.
overview UNITI uses a person-centred, recreation and leisure-based approach to provide Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) Services.
We offer drop-In services as well as day services for adults with brain injuries. Access to our services are by referral only, through Fraser Health.
PROGRAM PHILOSOPHY – Acquired Brain Injury Services provide a natural ‘home away from home’ environment, where people have access to assistance and guidance whenever possible. ABI Services build self-confidence and promote personal growth. We make efforts to ensure all of our interactions are dedicated to encouraging personal choice.
We work from a holistic perspective to ensure the development of strategies are inclusive and considerate of all areas of each person’s life; i.e. individual health, education, vocation, community involvement, and spirituality/religion. People are encouraged to build connections such as personal networks to enhance social skills development and interpersonal skills.
Donations to Acquired Brain Injury Services are always welcome. Donations to this service support ABI service delivery and the purchasing of new, accessible vehicles.

ContactHave any questions or feedback?
We’re happy to help. Please call us prior to attending our Drop-In Services.
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Acquired Brain Injury Services receive funding from: